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Author Guidelines

Perspectives in Surgery - Information for authors


Perspectives in Surgery is a peer-reviewed, national, scientific journal with more than 90 years of tradition. The editorial board considers only manuscripts in Czech, Slovak or English which contribute to the advancement of surgical knowledge. Papers reporting original clinical or experimental studies, comprehensive reviews and case reports will be reviewed by two independent reviewers. Invited papers, editorials and short communications, such as letters to the editor or short reports, are not subjects to peer review.


Only those who have contributed substantially to the overall concept of the manuscript, data interpretation or the revision of the text, and who agree with the final version, can be mentioned as authors. The editorial board does not insist on “Imprimatur” from the head of the department; this task is up to the author/s and their individual workplace requirements. Groups of persons (technical help, writing assistance, scientific advisors, material support) whose contributions do not justify authorship may be listed in an acknowledgments section.

The published article becomes the property of Perspectives in Surgery; overprints of text or figures are possible only with citation of their origin.

Disclosure of conflicts

Only a manuscript that has not been published in another journal can be accepted for publication. This must be declared, together with the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, by the first or corresponding author, on behalf of all authors. A statement addressing these requirements must be added to the manuscript as a separate attachment, and will be published under each article. You can download the disclosure form here.

In the case of studies that were funded by a grant/s, details of funding, including the identification number and name of the funding organisation, must be supplied in the field “Supporting Agencies“ in the online submission form.

Ethical considerations

If an article involves a clinical trial with human subjects, the Methods section must include a statement that the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution in which the trial was performed, and that the trial was performed in accord with the ethical standards of the 1975 Helsinki Declaration. All prospective interventional clinical trials must be registered in one of the publicly accessible, non-profit, electronically searchable databases (e.g.

It is the author's responsibility to protect the anonymity of patients. Figures may not include names, dates of birth, hospital numbers or other private data, and the patient’s eyes should be masked.

For animal experiments, the measures taken to ensure compliance with established regulations and guidelines should be briefly explained in the Methods section, and the origin of these guides should be quoted (e.g., the institution's Animal Care Committee, Act No. 246/1992; other).

Submitting a manuscript

To submit your manuscript, please go to the editorial manager website and follow the instructions. You will first be asked to register and provide contact information, including your e-mail address. Please do not register more than once, as this will cause technical difficulties when accessing the system. After starting a new submission, select the language and type of your manuscript. You must then go through the checklist of all necessary requirements. You can insert comments for the Editor (Cover letter) into the allocated text field. Please upload all relevant files (text of the manuscript, disclosure form, tables, figures, charts or checklists) in the next step. Full title, Abstract, Keywords (all in English and Czech), List of Co-authors and Supporting Agencies should be entered into the metadata form. After performing final checks, the author is able to confirm and send the manuscript.

Preparation of the manuscript

The manuscript must be double-spaced with a font size of 11 and margins of 2.5 cm on all sides; it can be typed in any editor compatible with MS Windows (MS Word, ideally). Please be sure to add a formal Title page and all required sections, as listed below. Please upload the manuscript file as “Article Text” in the online submission system. Title, Abstract, List of authors, Keywords and Supporting Agencies must be listed both on the Title page (within the article text file), and entered into the metadata form (next step in the submission).

Manuscript components

Comments for the editor

This part gives an opportunity for the corresponding author to inform the editor about important details related to the submitted manuscript. The text should contain a statement that the manuscript has been seen and approved by all authors.

Title page

The Title page must be the first page of the main manuscript text file (Article Text). This page should contain the following information:

- Title of the manuscript in Czech and English, including a description of the type of study, if relevant;
- Full name of each author (first name, middle initial and last name) followed by each author's affiliated department(s) (including the head of the department), and academic degree(s)
- Structured Abstract in Czech and English (see below)
- Keywords in Czech and English (see below)
- Name, address, telephone number and e-mail of the corresponding author
- List of all Sources of Support for the work, including grants.

Structured abstract

The purpose of the Abstract is to summarise the manuscript in a short, comprehensive and easily understandable body of text (max. 250 words). The Abstract of an original article must be structured (Aim, Methods, Results and Conclusions), otherwise, the Abstract should reflect the structure of the article. Please insert the text, in Czech and English, into the allocated text field in the metadata form.


A maximum of 5 keywords must be inserted, in Czech and English, in accordance with current Medical Subject Headings (


The scientific background should be briefly introduced, with only pertinent references. The rationale for the study and purpose of the article should be the stated. In the case of an original article or systematic review, the exact aim of the study must be defined at the end of this section.


The selection of included subjects (clinical or experimental) should be described, including eligibility, inclusion and exclusion criteria. The design of the trial, type of randomisation and blinding must be reported, if relevant. Primary and secondary outcome measures must be specified with respect to the pre-defined aims of the study. All relevant interventions, equipment and medications should be described, including manufacturer's name and address in parentheses. Reference to already established techniques and chosen statistical methods should be given. Please report sample size analyses, when appropriate. For studies involving living subjects, see the section on ethical considerations and the information regarding clinical trial registration.


The number of analysed subjects, their losses and exclusions (flow diagram is strongly recommended), baseline (demographic) data and the length of follow-up should be reported. Results are to be presented in logical order (primary and secondary outcomes) in the text, tables, charts and illustrations. Do not duplicate the data from tables or charts in the text unless clearly necessary. Citing of references is not recommended within this chapter.


The most important and novel results should be highlighted and compared with previously published studies. The discussion can include potential generalisability and wider applicability of the findings. Limitations of the study should always be presented and explained.


The main findings should be summarised and interpreted consistently with regard to the results and/or statistical analyses. The degree of achievement of primary and secondary aims must be stated, and the null hypothesis must be addressed. Please avoid statements and extrapolations that are not based on the data presented in the article. New hypotheses can be stated when appropriate, but clearly label them as such. Recommendations can be included only when called for.


Those who contributed to the manuscript (e.g., technical help, writing assistance, general support, etc.) but do not qualify as authors can be acknowledged. Financial and material support, including grants, should also be mentioned.


It is the author’s responsibility to list the references accurately, and to cite them numerically in order of appearance (Arabic numbers in square brackets) in the text, tables and legends. Please avoid citing unpublished data or personal communications. If there are more than three authors, name only the first three and then use "et al". Standard abbreviations of journal names should be used (e.g., BSJ, Ann Surg, Am J Surg, etc.). It is required to provide DOI number always when available. Examples are given below.

Journal article:
1. 1. Timmerman H, de Groot JF, Hulzebos HJ et al. Feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of preoperative therapeutic exercise in patients with cancer: a pragmatic study. Physiother Theory Pract 2011;27(2):117-24. doi: 10.3109/09593981003761509.
Book chapter:
1. Macek M. Starnuti a telesna aktivita. In: Kalvach Z, Zadak Z, Jirak R, et al. Geriatrie a gerontologie. 1. vyd. Praha, Grada Publishing 2004:153-164.
Entire book:
1. Haskovcova H. Informovany souhlas. Praha, Galen 2007.
Electronic article:
1. Olson, N. (ed.) Cataloging Internet Resources: A Manual and Practical Guid [on line]. 2nd ed. Dublin: OCLC, c1997 [cit. 2003-04-09]. Available at: www:. .ISBN 1-55653-236-9.

Units and drug names

All results of chemical, physical and clinical investigations should be reported using SI units (Systeme International d'Unités). Heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure results can be given in conventional units. All numbers, times and dates should be reported in European formats, and the metric system should be used. Examples are given below:

Positive number: 123456789,00
Negative number: -123456789,00
Display leading zeros: 0,7
List separator: ;
Time: H:mm:ss (24 hour)
Date: dd.M.yyyy (Monday as the first day of week)

Abbreviations, symbols and tables

The full explanation in parenthesis must be given in the text when an abbreviation is first used. Standard abbreviations for units of measurement can be used without explanation. Do not use abbreviations in the Title or Abstract. A list of all abbreviations used, in alphabetical order and with corresponding explanations, should be given after the References section.


Each table, with an explanatory legend in Czech and English (including definitions of any abbreviations used), must be constructed using the table function within a Word or Excel type document, and must be uploaded separately from the manuscript text file. Tables should be cited in parenthesis consecutively in the text, and numbered in that order - (Tab. 1), (Tab. 2), etc.

Charts, figures and illustrations

Artwork should be saved as TIFF, JPG or PNG files. High resolution MS Office (DOC(X), PPT(X), XLS(X)) or PDF files are also acceptable. Photographs, radiographs and other halftone images must be saved at a resolution of at least 600 dpi. Diagrams, drawings, graphs and other line art must be vector or saved at a resolution of at least 1000 dpi. If created in MS Office, send the native (DOC(X), PPT(X), XLS(X)) file. Each figure must be saved and uploaded consecutively to the editorial manager, in separate files.

Each artwork/figure must have an explanatory legend in Czech and English (including definitions of any abbreviations used). All figures should be cited in parenthesis consecutively in the text, and numbered in that order - (Fig. 1), (Fig. 2), etc.

Conflict of interest

This Disclosure form must be completed, signed and uploaded with each manuscript. Please see the Disclosure of conflicts chapter for further details.

Reporting guidelines

Please check the following guidelines prior to submitting your manuscript, to ensure that the current standards for research are maintained.

Prospective (randomised) interventional trials: CONSORT checklist ( uploaded as a separate file; the inclusion of a flow diagram is strongly recommended.
Observational (cohort) studies: STROBE checklist ( uploaded as a separate file.
Systematic reviews: PRISMA Checklist ( and flow diagram uploaded as separate files.
Case reports: CARE checklist ( uploaded as a separate file.
Visit for more information regarding reporting guidelines.

Article types

1 - Original article

In a piece of original work, the author presents an opinion on the particular topic, based on the analysis of their own results using appropriate statistical methods. The text must be clear and understandable to exclude any misinterpretations. The author must adhere to relevant guidelines (CONSORT for prospective randomised trails, STROBE for observational studies, see, and the corresponding checklist must be uploaded as a separate file.
Mandatory components: Structured abstract (Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusions) in Czech and English (max. 250 words), Keywords (max. 5), Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References (25 maximum).

2 - Review paper

This is either a systematic or state-of-the-art review on a specific topic within surgery; it does not contain an analysis of one’s own results, and the conclusions are based on the references. In a systematic review, the information sources and electronic search strategy should be mentioned in the Methods section. The author must adhere to relevant guidelines (PRISMA for systematic reviews, see, and the corresponding checklist must be uploaded as a separate file. Only the most relevant citations should be listed.
Mandatory components: Abstract (structured according to the article) in Czech and English (max. 250 words), Keywords (max. 5).

The systematic review must include: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References (around 40 references is recommended). The structure of an invited, state-of-the art review remains with the author, but should include: Introduction, Conclusions and References (around 40 references recommended).

3 - Case report

This is a description of one or several similar cases, and their management, which is innovative or confirms existing knowledge. The author must adhere to relevant guidelines – CARE (see, and the corresponding checklist must be uploaded as a separate file.
Mandatory components: Abstract (structured according to the article) in Czech and English (max. 250 words), Keywords (max. 5), Introduction, Case 1, 2, 3, etc. (case reports), Discussion, Conclusions, References (15 maximum).

4 - Editorial

Editorials are mostly invited free text on a topic specified by the editor.

5 - Short communication

This includes letters commenting on papers published in Perspectives in Surgery. Short communications should contain only commentary supported by relevant data and references. The text is limited to 1000 words (excluding references), and there is to be no more than 5 references. Figures or tables are not allowed. Title page, Abstract and Keywords are not required. The title of the letter should be relevant to the topic of the article being commented on, and the full title of this article must be cited in the “Abstract” section. Reports from national or international meetings are also accepted. In such a case, the text is limited to 1200 words, including the title, author and affiliations. Title page, Abstract and Keywords are not required. Please be sure to put the full formal name, date and place of the meeting in the “Abstract” text section in the editorial manager system. Other types of short reports are welcome after consultation with the editor. Extend and mandatory parts of such a manuscript will be established individually.


The editor reserves the right to reject a manuscript if it is in contradiction with the scope of the journal. The author can be asked to perform revisions according to reviewers’ suggestions, or to shorten the manuscript if required. The finalised manuscript will be sent for proofreading by the author, which should be done within 5 days; proofreading should only address printing errors. Major changes in the text will not be accepted.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • I have the text of structured abstract (max 250 words) ready in Czech and English (not required for Editorials and Short communications).
  • If the manuscript contains tables or artwork (pictures, graphs etc.), the explanatory legends are provided in Czech and English.
  • I have keywords (max. 5 ) in Czech and English ready (not required for editorials and short communications).
  • The manuscript contains a list of references in the format corresponding to the journal¨'s requirements. Individual links are chronologically cited in the text in square brackets.
  • I have a completed and signed declaration of conflict of interest (see instructions for authors).
  • The manuscript corresponds to adequate reporting guidelines and I have a completed checklist ready (not required for editorials and short communications) - see instructions for authors.
  • I have a title page of the manuscript ready.

Original article

In the original work, the author presents opinion on the particular topic based on the analysis of own results using appropriate statistical methods. The text must be clear and understandable to exclude any misinterpretations. The author must adhere to relevant guidelines (CONSORT for prospective randomized trails, STROBE for observational studies, see and the adequate checklist must be uploaded as a separate file.

Mandatory components: Structured abstract (Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusions) in Czech and English (max. 250 words), Key words (max. 5), Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References (25 maximum).

Review paper

This is either systematic or state-of-the-art review on specific topic within surgery which does not contain an analysis of own results and the conclusions are based on references. In systematic review, the information sources and electronic search strategy should be mentioned in Methods. The author must adhere to relevant guidelines (PRISMA for systematic review, see and the checklist must be uploaded as a separate file. Only the most relevant citations should be listed.

Mandatory components: Abstract (structured according to the article) in Czech and English (max. 250 words), Key words (max. 5).

The systematic review must include: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References (40 maximum).

The structure of invited state-of-the art review remains with the author but should include: Introduction, Conclusions and References (40 maximum).

Case report

This is a description of one or several similar cases and their management, which is innovative or confirms existing knowledge. The author must adhere to relevant guidelines – CARE (see and the checklist must be uploaded as a separate file.

Mandatory components: Abstract (structured according to the article) in Czech and English (max. 250 words), Key words (max. 5), Introduction, Case 1, 2, 3 etc. (case reports), Discussion, Conclusions, Reference (15 maximum).


Editorial includes mostly invited free text on actual topic specified by editor.

Short communication

This includes letters commenting on papers published in Perspectives in Surgery. They should contain only commentary supported by relevant data and references.  The text is limited to 1000 words (excluding references) and References to 5 items. Figures or Tables are not allowed. Title page, abstract and key words are not required. The Title of the letter should be relevant to the topic of commented article and the full title of commented article must be cited in the “Abstract” field.

Reports from national or international meetings are also accepted. In the case of such the text is limited to 1200 words including the Title, Author and Affiliations. Title page, abstract and key words are not required. Please be sure to put full formal name, date and place of the meeting to the “Abstract” text field in the editorial manager system.

Further types of short reports are welcomed after consultation with editor (email). Extend and mandatory parts of such a manuscript will be set individually.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.