Postoperative ileus and possibilities of pharmacological intervention
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postoperative ileus
serotonin agonists



Introduction: Postoperative ileus is a severe condition occurring especially in high-risk patients following acute and prolonged surgical procedures. Multiple factors are described as important in etiology, such as inflammation as well as neurological, hormonal and pharmacological influences. In prevention and treatment, we try to apply non-pharmaceutical procedures, to influence reversible etiological factors and, in post­operative period, to implement and use ERAS procedures. Drugs are the other pos­sibility how to influence this pathology. Short-term impairment of intestinal motility following the most of the intraabdominal surgeries must be also taken in count in the differential diagnosis and treatment.

Study aim: We try to describe all possibilities of pharmacological treatment and prevention of the postoperative ileus. Effectiveness of drugs used in present praxis, especially group of so-called prokinetics is analyzed.

Conclusion: Postoperative ileus is still recognized as severe complication. Pharmacological treatment options are limited, only a few substances have evident positive impact (neostigmin for treatment and alvimopan – not registered in the Czech Republic for prevention). More evidence is necessary for positive effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine 4 (5HT4) agonists, and the effect of selective COX-2 inhibitors is still controversial.


doi: 10.48095/ccrvch2024346

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