Isolated inflammatory proces of the caecum
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neutropenic enterocolitis
case report
acute abdomen



Acute abdomen represents a large complex of acute situations in general surgery. There could be inflammatory (such as acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis etc.), non-inflammatory (ileus), hemorrhage or traumatic situations (perforation of the gastrointestinal tract etc.). Our work presents two case reports of two not significantly ill female patients with an uncommon inflammatory process of the caecum. Acute typhlitis is an archaism for most of surgeons. It used to be a synonym for acute appendicitis; however, the modern literature defines this diagnose as a different disease – neutropenic enterocolitis. It is a rare but serious disease causing a right lower quadrant pain, often mimics acute appendicitis. Usually, it occurs in immunocompromised patients (patients after an immunosuppressive therapy, neutropenic patients, people with hematologic malignancies, AIDS positive patients, etc.); however, a few case reports of entirely healthy patients have been published. Nevertheless, there is however a limited number of these cases.


doi: 10.48095/ccrvch202571

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