Introduction: Diverticula of the small bowel are quite rare findings, frequently confirme only by necropsy. The authors describe the signs and symptoms resulting from complications of small bowel diverticula as well as the diagnostic options and treatment modalities. The paper also presents the results of treatment in the Department of Surgery at University Hospital in Pilsen.
Method: Our retrospective study involved 6 patients who were operated on due to complications of small bowel mesenteric diverticulum at the Department of Surgery at University Hospital in Pilsen between 1 January 2006 and 1 January 2016. We assessed the number of days in hospital, emesis or pathological stools (diarrhoea or bleeding), admission body temperature and abdominal clinical signs, operating time and postoperative complications according to the Clavien-Dindo classification. As for laboratory parameters, leukocytosis and C-reactive protein levels were evaluated.
Results: The results of our study are similar to those reported in available literature. After medical history and physical examination which are necessary, laboratory methods, and less frequently also imaging methods, can be used in diagnosis. The treatment of complications of small bowel diverticular disease is only surgical. The postoperative course is burdened by comorbidities of these patients as they are very often elderly.
Conclusion: Management of complicated small bowel diverticular disease is only surgical and consists in laparotomy with thorough lavage of the abdominal cavity and with drainage.