Introduction: Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is one of the most effective methods of providing long-term enteral nutrition in patients with the impossibility of oral intake. Complications are relatively common. The most common is peristomal wound infection at the site of the insertion and leakage along the cannula. Lesscommon complications are colo-cutaneous fistulas and peritonitis. A very rare complication is liver abscess.
Case report: The authors describe a case of a 51-year-old man with a hepatic abscess with inoperable pharyngeal carcinoma with PEG. The patient was admitted to hospital with a developing septic condition due to a liver abscess. The liverabscess resulted from the buried bumper syndrome of the PEG and subsequent complete dislocation of the bumper into the left liver lobe area.. This condition was treated by a surgical review with abscess drainage and the construction of classical gastrostomy.
Conclusion: Buried bumper syndrome with its complications, such as a liver abscess is a relatively rare complication, but challenges both the diagnosis and therapy of the syndrome itself. Its management requires a close cooperation between a gastroenterologist and a surgeon. Early recognition and treatment can prevent the progression of the condition to sepsis or a septic shock, which can lead to death.