The article describes the development of oncosurgery in the Czech Republic since the beginning of the century, as well as other perspectives regarding this specialty. The development of surgical treatment of solid malignant tumours in the Czech Republic was evaluated according to the National Cancer Register database and compared to the neighbouring countries, and the educational system of surgeons in oncosurgery was assessed. Although surgery plays a key role in cancer therapy, starting from the beginning of this millennium it has been pushed aside as a service specialty for other disciplines in oncology. In 2002, these changes were supported by the activities of the newly founded Division of Oncosurgery under the Czech Society for Oncology, which became part of the Czech Surgical Society in 2016. An official educational programme of surgeons in oncolog was successfully implemented and since 2011, a specialization examination in oncosurgery has been introduced, organized by the subdepartment of oncosurgery of the Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education (IPVZ), Prague. To date, this examination has been completed by 112 physicians and approximately the same number is currently registered in the educational programme. Currently, 34 centres are accredited for education in oncosurgery. The establishment of Complex Oncology Centres based on an initiative of the Czech Society for Oncology of 2006 only addressed pharmaceutical and radiation oncology. Despite progress in oncosurgery, more clearly defined conditions for this specialty are needed.
Conclusion: The education of surgeons in oncosurgery should be continued. It is necessary to expand the number of...