Occult breast cancer: a case report and current management of treatment
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occult breast cancer, mammography, MRI, PET/CT, mastectomy


Occult breast cancer is a very rare type of cancer which presents with axillary lymphadenopathy with no visible mass in the breast. Advances in imaging methods (MRI, PET/CT, PET/MRI, etc.) have enabled the detection of a large number of lesions which are not visible using basic imaging methods, such as mammography and ultrasound. To date, optimal management of this type of cancer is lacking. Generally, treatment of occult breast cancer is that of primary breast cancer with axillary lymph node involvement. This includes neoadjuvant oncological therapy, axillary dissection with adjuvant radiation therapy and either mastectomy or radiation to the breast. However, several recent studies have shown that similar results may be achieved with less radical treatment. The paper describes the case of a 62-year-old patient with occult breast cancer, the procedure and results of imaging assessments, and subsequently the treatment management. Furthermore, the paper reports on current treatment trends published in the literature.

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