Introduction: Internal hernias are rare and are encountered in a small percentage of cases. The hernia in the broad ligament of uterus (Allen-Masters syndrome) is a unique type of internal hernia which represents only approximately 4% of all internal hernias.
Case report: We present the case of a 39-year-old woman admitted for clinical signs of mechanical bowel obstruction. CT examination revealed a dilated loop of small intestine in the left lower abdomen. The patient underwent laparoscopic surgery with the finding of an incarcerated small bowel loop in the ligamentum latum uteri. Small bowel deliberation and ligament defect suture were performed.
Conclusion: A defect in the ligamentum latum uteri (Allen-Masters syndrome) is a rare diagnosis, usually discovered as an incidental finding in female patients with ileus. This syndrome may explain the vague problems of many patients whose symptoms include dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea, acute and chronic pelvic pain. Allen-Masters syndrome can be diagnosed and successfully managed by laparoscopic approach