Vol. 98 No. 9 (2019)
Issue Description


Instruments and tools in surgery
(Z. Krska)

ERAS in colorectal surgery – neglected preadmission items
(Z. Adamova, R. Slovacek, G. Romanova)

Autologous transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells into the portal vein of the miniature pig; a preliminary experiment for NOTES approach
(S. Juhas, J. Martinek, O. Ryska, R. Dolezel, M. Ryska, J. Juhasova)
Use of preperitoneal wound catheter for continuous local anaesthesia after laparoscopic colorectal surgery
(V. Prochazka, M. Svoboda, R. Svaton, T. Grolich, M. Farkasova, Z. Kala)
Phyllodes tumours – a retrospective review of 83 clinical cases
(P. Muzlayova, O. Coufal, P. Fabian, A. Svobodnik, O. Zapletal)
Foreign body ingestion in children
(J. Leskova, R. Stichhauer, J. Preis, A. Safus, J. Koudelka)

Percutaneous endoscopic cecostomy in the treatment of recurrent colonic pseudo-obstruction − a case report of the first procedure in the Czech Republic
(P. Vanek, P. Falt, O. Urban)
Portal vein ligation with alcohol injection – our first experiences
(K. Menclova, J. Malik, J. Pudil, F. Belina, M. Ryska)

Review paper

Z. Adamová, R. Slováček, G. Romanová
ERAS in colorectal surgery - ignored preadmission items
PDF (Czech)

Original article

Štefan Juhás, Jan Martínek, Ondřej Ryska, Radek Doležel, Miroslav Ryska, Jana Juhásová
Autologous transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells into the vena portae of minipig; a preliminary experiment for NOTES approach
Vladimír Procházka, Martin Svoboda, Roman Svatoň, Tomáš Grolich, Martina Farkašová, Zdeněk Kala
Use of preperitoneal wound catheter for continuous local anesthesia after laparoscopic colorectal surgery
PDF (Czech)
P. Mužlayová, O. Coufal, P. Fabian, A. Svobodník, O. Zapletal
Phyllodes tumors- A retrospective review of 83 clinical cases
PDF (Czech)
J. Lešková, R. Štichhauer, J. Preis, A. Šafus, J. Koudelka
Ingestion of Foreign Bodies in Children
PDF (Czech)